Sunday, December 01, 2013

Benghazi Treason

"The conversation was that Chris Stevens was demanding that those rockets, which he had originally turned over to these radical Islamists, be given back because they are now a danger for the United States, since al-Qaida had made the open declaration that they own Libya, they are not taking orders from anybody."
Moriarty concluded:
"And so this representative from Turkey when he finished dinner, he walked out the front door of that compound, was taken by car to the military airport, put on the Turkish military aircraft, flown to Turkey.
"The minute this plane set down in Turkey one of the attacks started on that compound."

Read more

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Was Stalin murdered?

he believed absolutely - as they all did - that you had to kill a lot of people now in order to create a perfect, deferred paradise further down the road. His personality fused perfectly with the Bolshevik system. So, you had a pretty disgusting system and a pretty disgusting man, who happened also to be a superb politician and quite an intellectual."

Stalin murdered the Clown and Crowd at Moscow's Circus

True to form, Stalin had his armed guards line up the clowns in center ring and execute them, on the spot.
Then, as a clever follow-up on Stalin’s part, he had the guards turn their guns on the audience and slaughter dozens. Call it a curtain call: it was curtains for all.