Joe Biden’s Marxist Confession in the VP Debate - Defeat Communism:
'via Blog this'
“The Midwest Academy and the Highlander Research and Education Center train organizers, but we have nothing like them in most states and localities. By 2016 and 2020, several more states will have become majority-minority, and we need to be able to shape that change,” she wrote.
Read more at American vultures feasting off BP: Special relationship? Cameron is allowing a ruthlessly greedy ... #MailOnline
Trayvon Martin was not shot while walking home.
He was shot after sucker-punching George Zimmerman, breaking his nose, knocking him down, jumping on top of him, beating him martial arts style and banging his head on a concrete walk, while Zimmerman screamed again and again, “Help me, help me.”
This is what George Zimmerman said happened.
“President Obama might now exhibit a little moral courage of his own, by directing his Justice Department to halt this scavenger hunt for a “hate crime.”“
It is what the sole eyewitness to the fight, John Good, says happened. It is what Sanford police believed.
It is what the defense proved beyond a reasonable doubt. It is what that jury of six women came to believe.
Why, then, do so many in the black community believe Trayvon was profiled and murdered, when even most of the analysts on the cable news shows were saying in the last days of the trial that the prosecution had failed completely to make its case?
Answer: Many had convicted George Zimmerman in their hearts before the trial began. Here, as this writer noted a year ago, are some of the voices that had declared Zimmerman guilty of murder before a witness had been called.
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I Among its reports, Trayvon Martin’s drug use, explaining how the Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail drink he carried that night are ingredients that, when mixed with dextromethorphan (DXM) cough syrup, create “Lean”, a concocted high which can cause psychosis and aggression over the longer term. According to the autopsy report, Martin’s liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse.
The Collegium Pontificum (College of Pontiffs) was the most important priesthood of ancient Rome. The foundation of this sacred college and the office of Pontifex Maximus is attributed to the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius.
Something quite remarkable happened in London in the first decade of the new millennium. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out.
The consequence, as revealed by the latest census, is that white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents.
FoxTobias wrote:
July 3, 2013 at 10:02 AM
So, let's recap for the minimum wage worker:
No, you're not getting hired at a wage that barely pays rent, food, and gas to get to work - because of reactionary business owners. If you do get hired, you won't be brought in full-time because it'd require full benefits, which means you'll be stuck at 20 to 30 hours a week - because of preexisting regulation. No, you won't get health insurance, sorry, it costs a little over half of what you make a month to give insurance to you, it's too expensive. If you anger your manager, he'll schedule you during hours you're working a second job so he can fire you for cause if you don't show up - that way they don't have to pay you unemployment. If you get sick enough to go to the hospital, you get let go because you don't have sick days built into your schedule - because you're not a protected class. If you still have medical bills after being let go, you still have to pay them, and you'd best pay them, because your minimum wage employer won't hire you if you have a bad credit report - you become a risk for theft, and allowing them to check your credit is a condition of the hiring application contract. Expect to continue to be treated like an expendable speck in the workforce sandlot - because with unemployment at record levels, you are replaceable with much more 'experienced' workers.
Meanwhile, the people who decide the policies that decide your fate aren't willing to share the cost of your healthcare while they themselves make sure it's provided by the company either directly or through a high enough salary that they can afford it for themselves - all the while calmly explaining that they can't afford to do that for every minimum wage worker they have. They'll try to sympathize with you - after all, they can't afford things these days, either. But they aren't exactly living in a world where the choice is between going to the doctor to have that cough checked out and paying the rent this month, now, are they?
When a fluid element is displaced on an interface or internally to a region with a different density, gravity tries to restore it toward equilibrium resulting in an oscillation about the equilibrium state or wave orbit.[1] Gravity waves on an air–sea interface are called surface gravity waves or surface waves while internal gravity waves are called internal waves. Wind-generated waves on the water surface are examples of gravity waves, and tsunamis and ocean tides are others